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Ocular reactivity of bacterial endotoxin in various media

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Even a small quantity injected intracameral leads to visible reactions Silver Spring – mechentel news – Inflammation was seen after intracameral injection of as little as 0.02 and 0.08 endotoxin units (EU) in ophthalmic viscosurgical device (OVD) and Dulbecco’s phosphatebuffered saline (DPBS) eyes, respectively, so S.Y. Buchen et al. from Oakridge Institute for Science and […]

Mast cells in the choroid

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More functions discovered Clayton – mechentel news – It is suspected a broader perspective for the functional heterogeneity of mast cells, says Prof. PG Mc- Menamin et al. from the Department of Anatomy & Developmental Biology, Monash University. Mast cells are bone marrow-derived tissue- homing leukocytes, which have traditionally been regarded as effector cells in […]

Infection with EHV-2 and EHV-5 in horses

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 Herpes infection in young Lipizzaner in herding Vienna – mechentel news – Young Lipizzaner, housed in free stalls are at an increased risk of herpes infection. This is the result of a herd survey conducted by Mag. Med. Vet. James Rushton et al. University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna. A herd of Lipizzaners (n=266) in three […]

Ulcerative fungal keratitis

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Miconazole in combination with antibiotics shows success Zurich – mechentel news – A therapy with miconazole ointment in additional administration of antibiotic led to a decreas in symptoms of fungal infection, so Dr. med. Vet. K. Voelter-Ratson et al. of the Ophthalmic Division of the Vetsuisse Facutly Zurich. An 11-year-old Brown Swiss cow was referred […]