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Complete excision

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Effective form of treatment in epibulbar melanocytoma Walpole – mechentel news – Only mild and transient complications arose in the treatment of epibulbar melanozytomas by complete excision and homologous corneoscleral transplants in dogs, said Dr. F. Maggio et al. from the Tufts Veterinary Emergency treatment. The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy, […]

Successful treatment of RD in dogs

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In the end, good visual outcome Reno – mechentel news – The pars plana virectomy leads in dogs with retinal detachment to good visual outcome, said Dr. K. Steele et al. from the Institute of Eye Care for Animals in Reno. The study aimed to summarize the clinical outcomes and complications of pars plana vitrectomy […]

First case report of successful lipid therapy after invermectin-induced blindness

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Clinical pathological shortened – ERG results unaffected Davis – mechentel news – Ivermectin-induced blindness can be treated with an intravenous lipid therapy, so DVM S. Epstein et al. from the Facultiy of Veterinary medicine, Davis, California. A female neutered Jack Russell Terrier was examined for acute onset of apparent blindness after being exposed to ivermectin […]

New treatment strategy for glaucoma

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TNF-α antagonists and suppressors of inflammation prevent vision loss Massachusetts – mechentel news – A clinically proven drug that can block the activity of TNF-α and prevent vision loss, hints at a new treatment strategy for glaucoma, so the conclusions of M. Green et al. of the Department of Ophthalmology in Massachusettes. Visual loss in […]