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Aging Dogs Manifest Myopia as Measured by Autorefractor.

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St. Joseph – mechentel news – Dogs, like humans, experience eye changes with aging: hardening and clouding of the lens and accumulated oxidative damage from UV sunlight. It has been debated whether such changes could be affecting the visual function of dogs. The objective of this study was to determine if autorefractometry could be used […]

Measurement of tear production and intraocular pressure in ducks and geese.

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Teheran – mechentel news – The purpose of this study was to establish a reference value of tear production and intraocular pressure in clinically normal ducks and geese. The study population consisted of forty-eight ducks (24 males and 24 females) and fifty-two geese (26 males and 26 females). Birds were gently physically restrained in dorsoventral […]

Surgical outcome of cats treated for aqueous humor misdirection syndrome: a case series.

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El Cerrito – mechentel news -To evaluate the clinical outcome of cats treated surgically for aqueous humor misdirection syndrome, a retrospective analysis of cats treated surgically between January 1, 2006, and January 1, 2013, for aqueous humor misdirection syndrome was performed. Signalment, medical therapy, eyes affected, intraocular pressures prior to and after surgery, surgical procedures […]

Restoration of visual function by expression of a light-gated mammalian ion channel in retinal ganglion cells or ON-bipolar cells

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Berkeley – mechentel news – In the study of BM. Gaub et al. of Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute of the University of California, Berkeley, USA, they analyze why most inherited forms of blindness are caused by mutations that lead to photoreceptor cell death but spare second- and third-order retinal neurons. Expression of the light-gated excitatory […]