Superficial Keratectomy and Conjunctival Advancement Hood Flap (SKCAHF) for the Management of BullousKeratopathy: Validation in Dogs With Spontaneous Disease.
Rocklin – mechentel news -To evaluate the efficacy of superficial keratectomy and conjunctival advancement hood flap (SKCAHF) for the treatment of bullouskeratopathy in canine patients., 9 dogs (12 eyes) diagnosed with progressive corneal edema underwent superficial keratectomy followed by placement ofconjunctival advancement hood flaps. The canine patients were examined pre- and postoperatively using in vivo confocal microscopy, ultrasonic pachymetry (USP), and Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography (FD-OCT). All owners responded to a survey regarding treatment outcomes. Mean central corneal thickness (CCT) as measured by FD-OCT was 1163 ± 290 μm preoperatively and significantly decreased postoperatively to 795 ± 197 μm (P = 0.001), 869 ± 190 μm (P = 0.005), and 969 ± 162 μm (P = 0.033) at median postoperative evaluations occurring at 2.2, 6.8, and 12.3 months, respectively. Owners reported significant improvement (P < 0.05) in vision and corneal cloudiness at 6.8 and 12.3 months postoperatively. The percentage of cornea covered by the conjunctival flap was correlated (P = 0.0159) with a reduction in CCT by USP at 12.3 months postoperatively. All canine patients were comfortable pre- and postoperatively. In conclusion, SKCAHF results in a reduction of corneal thickness in canine patients with bullous keratopathy. The increase in corneal thickness over time, after performing SKCAHF, is likely because of progressive endothelial decompensation. This surgery is a potentially effective intervention for progressive corneal edema in dogs that may have value in treatment of human patients with bullous keratopathy. (pubmed, mm)
Autors: Horikawa T, Thomasy SM, Stanley AA, Calderon AS, Li J, Linton LL, Murphy CJ. Correspondence Animal Eye Center, Rocklin, CA, USA. Study: Superficial Keratectomy and Conjunctival Advancement Hood Flap (SKCAHF) for the Management of Bullous Keratopathy: Validation in Dogs With Spontaneous Disease. Sources: Cornea. 2016 Oct;35(10):1295-304. doi: 10.1097/ICO.0000000000000966. Web: http://journals.lww.com/corneajrnl/pages/articleviewer.aspx?year=2016&issue=10000&article=00006&type=abstract.