Selenium Protects Retinal Cells from Cisplatin-Induced Alterations in Carbohydrate Residues.
Balıkesir – mechentel news – To Investigate alterations in the expression and localization of carbohydrate units in rat retinal cells exposed to cisplatin toxicity, we evaluated putative protective effects of selenium on retinal cells subjected to cisplatin. .
Eighteen healthy Wistar rats were divided into three equal groups: 1. Control, 2. Cisplatin and 3. Cisplatin+selenium groups. After anesthesia, the right eye of each rat was enucleated.
Histochemically, retinal cells of control groups reacted with α-2,3-bound sialic acid-specific Maackia amurensis lectin (MAA) strongly, while cisplatin reduced the staining intensity for MAA. However, selenium administration alleviated the reducing effect of cisplatin on the binding sites for MAA in retinal cells. The staining intensity for N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc residues) specific Griffonia simplicifolia-1 (GSL-1) was relatively slight in control animals and cisplatin reduced this slight staining for GSL-1 further. Selenium administration mitigated the reducing effect of cisplatin on the binding sites for GSL-1. A diffuse staining for N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) specific wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) was observed throughout the retina of the control animals. In particular, cells localized in the inner plexiform and photoreceptor layers are reacted strongly with WGA. Compared to the control animals, binding sites for WGA in the retina of rats given cisplatin were remarkably decreased. However, the retinal cells of rats given selenium reacted strongly with WGA. The result shows that
Cisplatin reduces α-2,3-bound sialic acid, GlcNAc and GalNAc residues in certain retinal cells. However, selenium alleviates the reducing effect of cisplatin on carbohydrate residues in retinal cells. (pubmed. mm)
Autors: Akşit D, Yazıcı A, Akşit H, Sarı ES, Yay A, Yıldız O, Kılıç A, Ermiş SS, Seyrek K. Correspondence: Dr. Dilek Akşit, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Balıkesir University School of Veterinary, Balıkesir, Turkey. E-Mail: dilekaksit@balikesir.edu.tr. Study: Selenium Protects Retinal Cells from Cisplatin-Induced Alterations in Carbohydrate Residues. Source: Balkan Med J. 2016 Jul;33(4):441-7. doi: 10.5152/balkanmedj.2015.155532. Web: http://www.balkanmedicaljournal.org/eng/makale/1812/88.