Chronic Glaucoma in Dogs: Relationships Between Histologic Lesions and the Gonioscopic Diagnosis of Pectinate Ligament Dysplasia.
Saskatoon – mechentel news – Pectinate ligament dysplasia (PLD) is a common cause of canine glaucoma and the definitive clinical diagnosis is based on gonioscopy. Although the histologic lesions of PLD have been described, it has not been determined whether these changes are specific for PLD or if similar histologicchanges can develop as a consequence of secondary glaucoma. The filtration angles of 61 enucleated canine globes with chronic glaucoma were evaluated with light microscopy by 3 examiners who were masked to the clinical history, signalment, and gonioscopic results. A histologicdiagnosis of PLD versus non-PLD was determined by each examiner based on previously reported morphologic criteria and compared with the clinical gonioscopic diagnosis. Of the 61 enucleated glaucomatous eyes, 40 were clinically diagnosed with PLD. For all 3 examiners, a histologicdiagnosis of PLD corresponded poorly with the clinical diagnosis of PLD (range of kappa score: 0.149-0.269; range of AUC: 0.592-0.621). There was no difference between examiners in their ability to correctly diagnose PLD histologically (P= .978). A fair degree of agreement was noted among examiners in obtaining their suspected histologic diagnosis of PLD (kappa score 0.256). No individual or sets of histologic ICA features were consistent with clinical PLD. The results indicate the histologic ICA changes proposed to be characteristic of PLD are also noted in canine globes affected with chronic secondary glaucoma. Therefore, using routine histologic evaluation, a histologic diagnosis of PLD is not possible in the face of chronic canine glaucoma. (pubmed,mm)
Autors: Bauer BS, Sandmeyer LS, Philibert H, Feng CX, Grahn BH. KCorrespondence: B. S. Bauer, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N 5B4. E-Mail: bianca.bauer@usask.ca. Study Chronic Glaucoma in Dogs: Relationships Between Histologic Lesions and the Gonioscopic Diagnosis of Pectinate Ligament Dysplasia. Sources: Vet Pathol. 2016 Apr 15. pii: 0300985816642276. [Epub ahead of print] Web: http://vet.sagepub.com/content/early/2016/04/15/0300985816642276.